To use Menuette, you’ll need to place the program in your Control Panels folder (you can drag it on top of your closed System Folder and your Macintosh will automatically put it there for you). Don’t restart yet, because there’s one more step needed to make the icons appear. Menuette is a program that puts icons on your screen — it doesn’t actually contain the icons themselves. The icons are kept in separate files called Menuette Sets™. (Think of the Menuette control panel as an icon display tool, like your word processing tool — the word processor can display text, but you have to give it a separate file containing the text first.) To get you started, we’ve included several icon-bearing Menuette Sets in a folder called Menuette Sets. To use them, simply drag the Menuette Sets folder into or onto your System Folder. You have to drag the folder itself, and not just the files that are inside it! (Some people like to be compulsively tidy and manually put this folder inside the Control Panels folder so that it isn’t separated from Menuette; this is perfectly fine and perhaps a good idea. It may also be placed inside your Preferences folder.) On the other hand, don’t rename the Menuette Sets folder, no matter how compulsive you are; it would make Menuette stop working. Now restart your computer to see how it looks. Wow!